Sunday, May 22, 2016

Week 98 - Flying Plates (Piring Terbang), and Be An Example Unto the Belivers Like Captain Moroni!

Another week of hard work and getting dirty! 

If any of you know anything about the Indonesian language, you would know that "piring terbang" translates into "flying plate." That is the description Indonesians have given to the great and wonderful Frisbee! Elder Tuttle and I put the frisbee to work this week and it catches the people. On P-day we went to the beach and threw it around. Within minutes we had a huge circle of people learning how to throw the frisbee. They really enjoyed it and thought it was a plate! We were able to share the Gospel with a good portion of them and the plan is to use the "piring terbang" more often. The "flying plate" has powers! 

This past week we picked up some great new investigators of all backgrounds. Some are Muslim, we talked to some Buddhists, talked to some Hindus, and found some Christians. It is such an awesome experience to learn a little about those religions too! There is so much in common between religions that it makes it that more interesting! 

A is still on track for the 29th. HE IS SO AWESOME! He will be interviewed for baptism tomorrow and is just soaking the Gospel in. Every time we review his reading in the Book of Mormon he is always farther and farther and can't stop. He always studies the lessons we will teach before we meet and then when we meet, we just explain in further detail what he has learned and answer his questions. He is somebody that has truly been prepared by the Lord!!

We have tried to pick up our focus on less-actives again. We have seen a few come back to church with as little as a phone call from us. We feel really good. As we visit and talk to them excitedly, it makes them excited and you can see them start to remember the feelings they once had. 

As a mission, we finished reading the Book of Mormon this past week and that was such a wonderful blessing to read it again. My testimony of the Book of Mormon has grown so much here! Probably my favorite character would have to be Captain Moroni. He continued to show forth his testimony while others didn't. As he did that people followed him and many miracles were brought to pass. That fits a scripture in the Bible that goes, "Be an example unto the believers." Captain Moroni is for sure an example unto others! 

Yesterday was stake conference!! The stake here was created exactly 5 years ago and continues to grow. The building that they rented out didn't really fit everybody which was really cool to see. The church is growing quickly and more testimonies are being strengthened. The church is still small enough though that at stake conference it was nice to run into old friends and meet them. The talks given were filled with the spirit and it was an awesome stake conference! 

I know the church is true! We are all pioneers in our own way!!

Elder Hayes 

A. after stake conference!!

With the stake patriarch and his wonderful family

everybody left.......I wonder why....

Good ol' tasty Sate!!

Found a friend! In Indonesia, there are stray cats like stray dogs in South America! So many cats!!!
(You can decide for yourself why there are not as many stray dogs)

the "mormon metro mini" :)

all of my companions have knocked out on this couch

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